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About Us

Justo Vulputate Vehicula

Basharat Ali

Basharat Ali, a highlander, is inhabitant of Macholu Town situated on upper ridge of District Ghanche. The town, serenely surrounded by mighty Karakorums, is gateway to Baltoro Glacier. Baltoro is a familiar name among trekkers, mountaineers and valley lovers as it is home to some of the highest peaks in the world which include K-2 (Mount Godwin-Austen, in Balti  named as Chhogori)  Gashabrum I, Gashabrum II and Broad Peak.

At primary level, Basharat studied in open-sky-school with no classrooms and hard rocks happened to be the only seating arrangement available. He, along with other pupils, had to rely on erasable slate and wooden tablet for writing lessons and practice as there was no concept of worksheets or notebooks. After completing primary level, Basharat started attending a higher secondary school in Khapulo. It wasn’t only educational endeavor but his courage’s thousand-miles journey as on his way to school he had not only to take a walk on mountain trails everyday but had to cross the Hushe river on traditional rafts made of wood and animal hides. The hardships eventually paid off and Basharat was awarded master’s degree in Economics, a dream a few of his fellow villagers could fulfill. He couldn’t have reached this level of education had he not been supported by a local organization set up by Basque and Balti mountaineers. Basharat is truly indebted to mountains and mountaineers, mountains tested his courage and the mountaineers guided him find his ways. He paid back some of his debt by educating kids of mountain areas using and setting up platform of Baltistan Fundazioa and Felix Baltistan Foundation.

Basharat has vast experience of working with people from Basque country Spain, Germany and United Kingdom who are making efforts to improve living conditions of locals. He has travelled to Spain and lived there for a brief period, during this time he cultivated some of lasting friendships which sustained to present day.  Basharat had been to many treks to Machulo La from where one can enjoy the panoramic view of K-2, Gashabrum-I, Gashabrum-II, Broad Peak, Nanga Parbat and the gigantic three mountain ranges; Karakorum, Himalya and Hindukush. He did trekking to Baltoro, Laila Peak, Hunbroq, Amin Brak and explored several valleys and areas of Gilgit-Baltistan which include Shigar, Phandar and Hunza, Khunjerab pass, Rama Lake and Deosai. Basharat traveled to urban centers and countryside of the four provinces of Pakistan representing Gilgit Baltistan in a program of Ministry of Tourism “See Pakistan Tours”. He also participated in a training program “Eco Tourism in Gilgit Baltistan and Hospatility” organised by World Wild Foundation.

Meet The Team

Basharat Ali

CEO & Founder

Skhawat Hussain

Tour Manager

Muhammad Khan

Marketing Manager