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Basharat Ali

CEO & Founder


Basharat Ali: Highlander, Scholar, and Mountain Ambassador

In the shadows of the Karakorums, Basharat Ali emerged as a beacon of determination. His education, carved on open slates and mountain trails, led him from Macholu Town to a master’s degree in Economics. Guided by Basque and Balti mountaineers, he championed education for mountain children through Baltistan Fundazioa and Felix Baltistan Foundation.

Basharat’s passion for his homeland took him to Spain, Germany, and the UK, forging alliances to uplift his people. His footsteps painted the trails of Machulo La, Baltoro, Laila Peak, and Hunza, and he represented Gilgit-Baltistan in “See Pakistan Tours.” A proponent of sustainable tourism, he trained under the World Wild Foundation.

Basharat Ali stands as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, reminding us that mountains, much like dreams, are meant to be conquered.